Hike with a Dendroecologist in the Willamette National Forest

What constitutes a forest?

We often think of forests as static collections of trees, along with some shrubs, ferns, fungi, and other “foresty” organisms.

But forests are more than an array of cool critters and plant life. They are dynamic ecosystems that are constantly changing. Sometimes dramatically. As a result, there are times a forest may not look much like a forest at all.

Storms, pests and disease, landslides, and floods are parts of a forest ecosystem—interacting with the organisms that reside there and shaping forest development. Disturbances, such as these, are not only natural, but essential to many forest species—sending forests through complex paths of community change.

In Pacific Northwest forests, fires are an especially important example of these essential forces of disturbance. Forests in the Pacific Northwest evolved with fire and have adapted to the presence of fire on the landscape in a variety of ways.

Andrew Merchel, a dendroecologist from Oregon State University, knows the importance of forest fire to the region all too well. For the past several years, Andrew has been studying Pacific Northwest forests to better understand the patterns in fire frequency and, more recently, how these patterns might ultimately influence forest development.

I was fortunate to get invited along with his crew to a couple of his field sites this summer to see their research in action.

The Long Road to Site 87

It was a warm, sunny morning as I waited for Andrew at our designated pullout. I was parked just off the Santaim Hwy near Longbow Camp. Standing along the road, I passed the time watching the South Santiam River’s ripples catch the light and flash white below me.

Soon, Andrew arrived with his crew of young students, and we headed out to what would be the first of two sites.

As we traveled down the narrow, overgrown forest service roads, Andrew told me a bit about the site.

He explained that the site has had two relatively recent mixed-severity fires—one in 1848 and one in 1868, but before that, the only other fire they found evidence of was in 1535.”

“So, we had a fire a really long time ago, and three hundred or so years without fire,” Andrew emphasized, “and then two fires in the 1800s.”

As we got nearer to “site 87”, Andrew pointed out patches of thinning that had been done around the middle-aged Douglas-fir—an unusually recent occurrence on national forest land for the time—but helpful to us in our fieldwork for the day.

Records in the Rings

And then we were there—site 87.  It was time to get to work.  Andrew’s field crew made up of college students headed to collect forest development data on one side of the road, while Andrew and I went in search of the perfect stump on the opposite side.

As mentioned earlier, Andrew is a dendroecologist—which basically means he uses tree growth rings to better understand how forest ecosystems have changed over time. As part of that research, Andrew has been using crosscuts from dead trees and stumps to reconstruct fire records for a variety of forests in the West. 

The tree rings on each crosscut provide a record of time that can be compared with other crosscut tree records to establish a timeline that goes beyond the lifespan of one tree.

Dendrochronologists can date each annual ring sampled from crosscuts even if a sample is collected from a snag or log that has been dead for centuries.

They date annual rings with a technique called cross-dating, which uses the sensitivity of annual tree rings to climate. Hot, dry years result in thin rings with narrow latewood and moist years result in years with wide rings with thick latewood in the Pacific Northwest. 

Each decade has a unique pattern of thin and thick years that can be used like a fingerprint to precisely match a series of tree rings to the exact calendar years when they grew on the tree.  

In this way, tree-ring records tell you a lot about the environmental conditions of each forest, including climate, over the recorded years. Most importantly for Andrew’s research, the rings also record fires as scars in the tree rings—providing information about the year, season, frequency, size, and sometimes severity of fires that occurred outside of modern records.

More Frequent

Research at the Forest Service’s PNW Research Station and the tree ring lab at Oregon State University has really shed light on the frequency of fire in Westside forests.

Before, ecologists thought that westside forests experienced fire as a function of lightning; and that fire was historically infrequent in much of the western Cascades and Oregon Coast Range—with forests going 100s of years between fires.

Now, hundreds of fire scars collected from dead trees have shown there are many ways fire exists in westside forests. Fire regimes (patterns of fire) are variable in frequency and in how they shaped forest conditions over time. For example, some westside forests record fire in nearly every decade, while others go centuries without fire.  The role of fire historically varied with forest age, Indigenous burning, lightning, topography, and microclimate.

Searching for Scars

Chainsaw in hand, Andrew and I headed down the road and trampled our way uphill through the underbrush to check out some of the thinned areas for stumps to cut into. The goal is to find stumps that show fire scars—a blackened resinous area along a ring.

Andrew and his crew had already sampled the area, but he was hoping to get more samples from older trees. Looking at the age classes of trees in the forest, Andrew suspects there may have been another large fire in the 1820s yet to be discovered.

Not all Stumps are Like the Others

“There are clues about which stumps to cut into,” Andrew explained as we carefully picked our way over the bramble and down woody material. “Trees that scar when they are young, for example, will often scar again with the next fire.” 

Oddly shaped stumps that are oblong tend to be good candidates. And of course, the stump needs to be solid without too much decay.

Another factor that affects scarring is that each tree species has its own resistance to scaring and the ability to preserve long records of past fires.

“Many Douglas-fir are not good recorders of historical fires,” Andrew remarked “The initial burn needs to be severe enough to form a first scar on a tree before it develops thick bark that prevents fire damage and the formation of a fire scar.”

Andrew leaned over one large stump and wiped away the smut that had accumulated on top of it with a brush with metal bristles.

“You can see an injury right there,” he said pointing to a white resin-filled gap between a couple of growth rings—a scab around the wound. “That looks like mechanical damage,” and probably not a fire scar, he concluded.  Mechanical scars often go across rings, while fire scars form neatly along a single row of cells.

The search continued.

Making the Cut

We moved out of the thinned area and into the denser forest for a bit, looking for promising-looking stumps.

Soon we came across another with sampling potential.

“There is some rock-solid wood right there,” he remarked as he examined the stump—perhaps the product of resin released as the tree scarred.

It was time to make some cuts. Andrew and I put on our earplugs, and he began slicing horizontally through the stump several inches below the original cut. The whorl of the chainsaw and fine woody dust filled the air space.

It was over in just a few minutes.

Andrew removed the top he cut off and began sweeping away at the newly cut surface.


Just a few old branch whorls. No scars.

How to Scar a Tree

The fact of the matter is that trees don’t always scar. 

Contrary to what you might think, fire scars form from heat, not flames. 

“It is heat transmitting through the bark for a long enough period of time to kill the cambium locally,” explained Andrew. “It is more burn residence time and the ability to transmit heat for long enough that records the fire.”

Perhaps for this reason, if a tree scars when it is young, it will often continue to scar on the same line.  They also tend to occur really low on the trunk near the ground where heat is transmitted to the tree bole from surface fuels.

Patterns of Variability

As we searched for another crosscut stump to sample, I asked Andrew to tell me more about his research findings. After all, this was not his first rodeo. Andrew and his team, at the time, had sampled up to 50 sites in Westside forest with 15-20 cross-sections from each one.

Yet, despite all the sampling, it was still difficult for Andrew to identify any environmental patterns.

“We don’t have enough to relate patterns of fire to different environmental settings still,” says Andrew with a sigh, “because there is so much variability.”

Consistently Inconsistent

However, Andrew admits there are some consistencies.

For example, low-elevation sites near major rivers, like the McKenzie and Clackamas, that are hotter and dryer tend to have more frequent fires. These also may be sites where Indigenous People used fire stewardship to produce vital cultural resources.

“Some sites are shocking—the amount of fire they have.”

On the flip side, there are higher elevation sites in the Silver Fir Zone, like Gordon Lakes, where fire is very infrequent. These places will record one high-severity burn, followed by one or two reburns, and then go more than a century without fire. Rinse and repeat.

 It is at mid-elevation around 3,000 feet where it gets really challenging to predict.

The hope is to eventually look at the variation in topography, elevation, and other site factors in combination with fire histories to try and understand how forests develop in different ways based on their specific context.


Andrew and I moved back into the open with fewer trees and shrubby underbrush.

“Come on guys,” he says, leading the charge. “Where are the fire scars?”

As we search, we come across a burnt-out western redcedar with a charred opening in the lower trunk—a catface. A catface forms when the cambium on the tree is killed by fire, and in the next 10 or 15 years the bark falls off, leaving the tree susceptible to future fires.

“The earlier scars are burnt off by the later scars in there,” Andrew explains.

Cedars are interesting trees in fire. They get consumed by fire a lot.

“Cedars really do chimney,” explains Andrew, “Fire gets in there and burns them out on the inside.”

At the same time, “It doesn’t necessarily die,” said Andrew, “or rot” for that matter—instead cedars tend to stand as ghosts of fires past.

Fool Me Again

The stumps were easier to spot in the more open forest and Andrew found a couple more promising candidates. He was really hoping to find an older stump that might provide evidence of a 1759 fire he was fairly certain had occurred.

The chainsaw ablaze, Andrew sliced into another stump and then another, but to no avail. 

One of the stumps was massive and took a lot of effort and some careful wedging to remove the cut surface. He cut a couple of cross-sections from the large stump.

“This one is going to frustrate us,” he declared before making this final attempt.

Unfortunately, it ended in sweat and sawdust, but luckily no tears.

Is it Severe?

At this point, we were low on gas and Andrew decided it would be best to start heading back down to the road to meet up with the crew.

As we made our way through the salal, ferns, and other shrubby species—a product of the thinning that occurred here—I asked Andrew about how fire severity fits into his research.

Fire severity is a measure of the magnitude of the immediate impacts of fire on the vegetation and living soil. In forest ecology, it is typically based on tree mortality—about 0-30% tree mortality for low severity, 30-70% mortality for moderate severity, and anything above that is high severity.

“Anything killing the fire-resistant trees is moderate [or high] to me,” Andrew suggested.

When it comes to fire severity, like frequency, Andrew has found that it too is not so easy to predict.

“I would agree that 2020 fires are nothing new,” explained Andrew, “We have always had big blowups, but we are missing fire events outside of these conditions all over the West Cascades that poke holes  and do very different types of burning.”

In other words, though large high-severity fires do occur in the West, it would be a mistake to forget that there are many other types of fires that have shaped this forest type historically—fires that vary in both frequency and severity.

These differences in fire severity also occur on a much finer scale, according to Andrew.

“Here is an old-growth tree next to an early seral shrub,” he illustrated, “and they exist right next to each other—and that is normal.”

It is patchy. And that matters because that patchiness increases variety and biodiversity.

Forest Development Implications

Andrew told me about a paper out of Oregon State University by Chris Dunn that looked at the implications of fire severity for forest development in the Willamette and Umpqua National Forests. 

In general, Dunn found that the severity of fire results in very different trajectories of forest development.

A low-severity fire may not result in a new cohort of trees, or it will result in shade-tolerant species including western hemlock developing on the site. In a high-severity fire, grasses and shrubs will make up the post-fire community with Douglas-fir the primary cohort of trees able to establish.

Then, there is moderate severity. This is where it gets interesting. It is in moderately burned forests that you can end up with the most biodiversity post-fire—with sites that have up to 17 different tree species established after fire in Southern Oregon. Having both canopy gaps and live trees remaining post-fire allows for greater variability in the forest community as different species find their ecological niche.

“One thing this project is going to do is we are going to core all these hemlocks and true firs and see if they actually link to fire,” explained Andrew, referring to the coring work his field crew is working on. “If they do, then I think we will interpret that low-severity fire was really important to the development of these species in westside forests.”

Forest Management Implications

Andrew spoke strongly about what this means in terms of forest management. If fire is variable, the way we manage the structure of forests should also be variable.

“We can’t just do one thing in plantations where we are trying to restore heterogeneity and biodiversity,” said Andrew. “We should be doing everything from removing 10% of trees to 90% of trees. That is historically probably what happened—creating a lot of variability.”

The result would be real; and probably pretty messy.

“Instead of distinct edges, you would have a constant mosaic,” Andrew described.

What we are doing now in plantation settings is not natural.

“The plantation is completely artificial… cut at 40 years or so and planted uniformly at a high density—this is not one of the development trajectories. It is not mimicking historical disturbance processes or stand development.” Looking ahead, the ecosystem that develops from a plantation will be much different than the ecosystem it replaced.

Making the Cut

We were just about back to the road when Andrew noticed another stump that had been cut the last time he visited. Having not found any stumps with fire scars yet, he led me over to this one—hopeful that I might observe the scarring up close. 

After wiping away needles and other debris, we got down to stump level. There we could see two scars—one from the 1868 fire sitting just above the other from 1848. “Which is sort of classic,” remarked Andrew, as far as fire scars go.

The scars showed up as what looked like a break in the annual rings (cambial necrosis) with resin separating the blackened tissue from the wood wound put down during the healing process.

Much of the cut area was also covered with a white rot—the forest ecosystem eager to restart the decay process. 

Back on the Road

Soon we were back on the road to meet up with the rest of the field crew. After checking out one last stump on the opposite side of the road, we all piled back in the vehicles for another long twisty ride to field site number two for the day. 

Forest ecosystems are dynamic. But they change on timescales that are often outside of human experience. Understanding fire as an agent of change in our forests requires long-range data sets, like what Andrew has tirelessly been collecting—helping fill in our knowledge gaps.

We may not have succeeded in finding a fire-scarred tree that day, but I am grateful to have experienced the forest through Andrew’s eyes—to understand its wonderful complexity and the secrets it retains deep beneath the bark

Andrew Merschel is an ORISE postdoctoral fellow working with the USFS PNW Research Station and he leads the tree ring lab at Oregon State University. Andrew uses tree rings to develop a shared understanding of how different forest ecosystems function over time. He is particularly interested in how disturbances (mostly fire) and forest management have shaped and will continue to shape forest ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest.  Andrew lives with his family (Vanessa, Aldo, and Sawyer) in Corvallis, Oregon and they enjoy a mixture of fishing, hiking, wildlife ecology, and chainsaw repair in their spare time.

Forest Hike with Bird and Wildlife Biologist

Rushing water. A shushing breeze. Rustling leaves. Chattering wildlife. These are the sounds of a forest in the foothills of the Willamette Valley. Soft, tranquil, quiet. Or at least in winter.

The forest awakens in spring. As flowers stretch out their petals and leaves unfurl to catch the sunlight, the tranquil chatter of the forest turns into an all-out symphony of sounds. Like the string section in the orchestra, it is the birds that draw the most attention.

I have always enjoyed bird song but have not yet mastered their melodious rhythms. This spring I am determined to take a closer listen.

Fortunately, Joan Hagar, a research wildlife biologist with USGS, agreed to meet with me to talk birds in a local forest.  

The Hike

  • Trailhead: 720 Gate at the end of Sulpher Springs Road
  • Distance: approximately 2 miles
  • Details: Limited parking at the end of a well-maintained gravel road. No fee for parking. No restrooms. Park at gate 720 gate and head up Road 720. Look for a right turn-off on a user trail that takes you back to the gate. Map of area available on OSU College of Forestry website.


I met Joan on a cool spring afternoon. It was overcast, but not raining. Would the birds be out?

We didn’t take but a moment before heading up the trail which rose along a riparian corridor next to a rushing creek.

I asked Joan to tell me more about herself and her career.

“The focus of my career has been to help forest managers incorporate wildlife habitat into their management plans,” she explained as we walked. “Remind them that they can accommodate wildlife at the same time as they are meeting their other goals.”

More specifically, she is all about the birds. Joan has spent her career studying birds and other wildlife in the Pacific Northwest.

As Joan explained it, she was born with it.

“My dad was a wildlife biologist and taught me the birds,” she explained, “and being able to hear them and know what species you are hearing it is like understanding a foreign language.”

A skill she would prove multiple times on our walk, but at least for the moment, the forest was rather quiet.


As we continued our gradual climb up the forested hillside, I asked Joan “Why birds?”

“Birds, it turns out, are really great indicators for management and environmental change,” explained Joan.

Many species are only suited for a particular habitat or forest type. If the environment changes, so does the bird community. As a master’s student, Joan explained, she was able to see this firsthand. 

Joan studied the impact of forest thinning on bird communities.

“I am going to show that harvesting is bad for wildlife,” Joan’s early scientist idealistic self-had thought, but she was mistaken.

“I found out that when the canopy of these dense conifer stands opened up and allowed the understory to develop… that meant more productivity—more flowers, fruits, seeds, and insects,” said Joan. 

In essence, thinning increases resources birds relied on and as a result bird diversity also increased as birds that were attracted to the more open habitat arrived.

“Disturbances aren’t a bad thing,” Joan concluded. 

Of course, “that is a bird perspective,” said Joan. “Amphibians might feel differently.” 

Why birds?

In addition to birds’ ability to respond so quickly and clearly to environmental change, there are many other reasons birds are useful biological indicators. 

“Birds are everywhere,” said Joan. “And they are fun to watch.”

Joan tried studying amphibians early in her career but found it more difficult.

“You have to turn over a lot of logs to find them,” Joan explained, “and in doing so you have to destroy their habitat.” 

(Turns out, Kermit is right—It ain’t easy being green.)

Birds, on the other hand, can be counted by sight and/or sound.

For more detailed demographic data, mist nests may be used to capture the birds temporarily to study them. By using a method called “mark-recapture,” even the abundance of birds may be calculated.

Riparian Resident Birds

Deciduous trees, like bigleaf maple and red alder, having still not leafed out, offered views down towards the water as we walked. 

“So, what kinds of birds would you find here?” I asked.

“Usually there are a lot of birds here,” Joan responded and pointed out the chattering call of the Pacific Wren.

“They [Pacific Wrens] start nesting this time of year,” she continued; “they like a lot of dead wood—stumps, logs—and they love the riparian area because of all the trees that fall in and it is damp and moist.”

Pacific wren is a resident species in Oregon’s western forests, along with Spotted Towhee, Song Sparrows, Canada Jays, and Steller’s Jay.

Barred owls and Pygmy owls are also common residents found nesting in snags.

“I have long suspected a Pygmy Owl nesting near here,” said Joan.

Riparian Breeding Birds

“In a normal year we would be hearing warblers,” Joan continued as we rose above the creek.

Orange-crowned Warblers usually arrive in April, with Hermit Warblers arriving a few weeks later.

“They [Hermit Warblers] are really cool because they only breed along the west coast here—from the coast to the Cascade Mountains,” said Joan excitedly.

Hermit warblers are what Joan called “endemic breeders.” Traveling to Central America during the non-breeding period and returning to their narrow breeding range in Pacific Northwest forests.

“Pacific-slope Flycatcher,” Joan recalled is another riparian migrant. “I am usually starting to hear those this time of year.”

Pacific-slope Flycatchers are especially fond of forests and woodlands near waterways where the canopy is dominated by deciduous foliage—often nesting on the slopes of forested canyons.

“They love these riparian trees, like maples and ash,” Joan remarked. Here the flycatchers catch insects below the canopy.


Early spring is also a great time to see woodpeckers in Oregon’s Willamette Valley forests.

“Hairy woodpecker, Downy woodpecker, red-bellied sapsucker…” Joan rattled off some examples.

It is nesting season and woodpeckers are out scouring the woods for the perfect tree to build a nest in.

“Woodpeckers are primary cavity nesters,” Joan accounted.

Primary means that they excavate their own cavity, as opposed to secondary cavity-nesters, like chickadees, bluebirds, and wrens, that depend on woodpeckers to provide cavities.

“They do the excavation of the cavities because they have strong bills,” Joan explained.

“Woodpeckers are funny because they do a lot of excavating before they settle,” she continued. “The male goes around and makes a cavity, then the female checks it out and goes ‘eh’ and so he makes another cavity.”

This process continues for a while until the female is satisfied. Fortunately, the result is several new unoccupied cavities produced each nesting season. This is great news for secondary cavity nesters, like chickadees and nuthatches, who are soft-billed and reliant on finding a home in already existing cavities.  

“They [woodpeckers] are considered ecosystem engineers because they make habitat for so many other species,” explained Joan.

“So, if I see some sort of hole, it is likely something lives in there?” I asked.

“It’s likely,” Joan responded.


Eventually, the trail bent and moved away from the creek, heading out on a slowly rising wooded ridge dominated by Douglas-fir.

Standing out in the mix of trees was the statuesque Pacific madrone, with its red shredded bark and green leathery broadleaves leaning out along the trail’s edge.

“In the fall, the madrones have a lot of berries and the band-tailed pigeons were feasting,” Joan reminisced. “They were covering the trees!”

Joan also noted how madrones tend to have cavities in live trees, unlike conifers that need to be dead or dying.

I asked Joan if certain species prefer certain trees.

In general, primary cavity nesters prefer hard snags. However, there also seem to be some preferences in terms of tree species.

“Pileated Woodpeckers like grand fir,” Joan offered as an example, speculating that perhaps it had to do with the decay process. And “Red-breasted Sapsuckers like maple trees,” frequently excavating a nest in a dead branch of a live maple.

Apparently, there is an entire branch of ecology that studies the relationship between primary and secondary cavity nesters and the trees they occupy. Joan mentioned “cavity-nest webs” as a way researchers aim to delineate and describe the complexity of these relationships.

In any event, there is one consistency—“good snags are scarce” and hard to come by.

Harvest Unit

Speaking of good snags, soon Joan and I crested the hill, we broke out of the forest into a clear-cut harvest unit littered with snags and potential snags.

“It is really nice to have something out here,” said Joan referring to all the trees that were left behind.

Joan has consulted on previous harvest projects and recommended that forest managers leave more snags and live trees than might be typical in a clear-cut.

Joan pointed to a large snag with twisted branches that had been left behind.

“That snag they left isn’t worth anything because it is gnarly,” said Joan referring to the potential timber value, “but for wildlife, it is worth a lot.”


Joan was also quick to point out that the clear-cut itself offered some benefits to wildlife.

“There are actually a lot of species that evolved with disturbance,” Joan remarked. “Disturbance is not a bad thing.”

Species like swallows, wrens, pigeons, Purple Martin, and a whole host of raptors benefit from the opening in the canopy.

“This is a phase of forest succession—early seral,” she continued. “When it is natural it is a very diverse stage.”

Unfortunately, it wasn’t all good news in the clear-cut, as many of the shrubs that come up during the early seral stage were sprayed with herbicide to give the next generation of conifers a competitive edge.

I was also struck by the small size of the clear-cut and asked Joan about it.

“Is it good to have smaller clear-cuts?”

“There is no one good size,” said Joan.

She explained that for a forest species having a small clear-cut makes the forests more permeable—a species that wants cover can go between trees. However, the larger the clear-cut, the more valuable the area is for a species that needs open areas.

“There is always a trade-off,” said Joan. Her advice for land managers—“be as variable as possible, and work with what is there.”

Ghost Forest

As we walked past the clear-cut with the intact forest on our right, it was easy to assume that the intact forest was in some way “natural” or “right.” But, as Joan reminded me, the conifer forest only exists on this hillside as a product of colonialism.

“Before the European settlers came,” explained Joan. “Native Americans burned this area—it was a bald with scattered oak and scattered Douglas-fir. It was very open.”

With colonialism came fire suppression and the conversion of oak woodlands and prairies into forests.

“If you look in this forest now, you can find old oak trees,” said Joan. “You can tell they are open grow with lateral limbs, but they are dead and decaying…”—overshadowed by Douglas-fir.

We looked deep into the thicket of forest for one of these “ghost oaks,” and found what looked like a mossy, dead limped giant of an oak tree.

“There used to be a bird species that used those,” remarked Joan. “Lewis’s woodpecker—iridescent green with a red breast—they valued the oak and ponderosa pine.”

She sighed, “Now, they don’t nest here. There is not the habitat for them.”

Purple Martin

Then we passed it—a white sci-fi-looking apparatus on the hillside to the left.

“Here is my Purple Martin gourd rack,” laughed Joan. “It is ugly as sin!”

However, what it lacks in aesthetics, it makes up for in function.

Joan explained that the rack is put up to provide a temporary nesting opportunity for Purple Martin—a threatened species here in the west. As insectivores, Purple Martin hunt insects on the wing, so in addition to needing natural cavities for nesting, they also need open space for hunting—a difficult combination to achieve these days.

“The public land has all the big snags but is too dense, and the private land has open areas but not the snags,” explained Joan.

The rack is meant to provide temporary housing until the woodpeckers can create the cavities in snags Purple Martin needs.

However, she cautions people from putting up their own gourd racks. The eastern population of Purple Martin are entirely dependent on people for nesting for this reason. She wants to avoid this in the West.

“Purple martins are the poster child for snags,” she proclaimed.

 Across the clearing, I saw a small cavity in a Pacific Madrone. I asked Joan if that might work for the Purple Martin or some other species.

“It looks good for a pygmy owl,” she replied, “but I am not sure they would want to be out in the open. A flicker would love it,” she laughed. 

What about Yew?

We were nearing our turn off into the woods when we happened past a shaggy-looking Pacific Yew.

“They always make me think of old forests,” Joan smiled.

“Does it do anything for wildlife?” I asked.

“I don’t know anything in particular,” Joan replied. “They are good for cover,” she offered.

What about Joan? We knew what the Yew was up to (being a really cool tree!), but what about Yew? I questioned Joan, pun intended.

 “Right now, I am working on Purple Martin stuff,” she said—tracking them with GPS in collaboration with Klamath Bird Observatory and trying to figure out where they go in winter. So far, she has found that they spend some time in Baja—sounds pretty good to me.

“That is one thing,” she said. “I am trying to finish a bunch of projects,” Joan confessed in preparation for retirement before the end of the year—that also sounds pretty good to me. Maybe she will have to visit Baja?

“Another project is not birds,” she continued, but a carnivore survey using camera traps in the Klamath Network of National Parks.

“We are looking for Marten, Fisher, and Sierra Nevada Red Fox,” said Joan.

She explained that there is a lot of interest in carnivores. They are not only sensitive to environmental change and have been facing declining population rates, but they are also an important part of the food web.

Dense Woods

We were on the steep downhill return trail when I spotted a large patch of Oregon Grape out of the corner of my eye. 

“Do they help birds?” I wondered out loud.

“I don’t know,” Joan responded thoughtfully. “The hummingbirds love the flowers.”

Soon we were considering the Oregon Grape fruits and species that might benefit from them as a food source as well.

In the distance, Joan heard the call of a Kinglet deep in the woods. Kinglets, she told me, were birds that responded negatively to thinning in her graduate research.

“They are beautiful little birds,” she described. “A bright gold crest with a scarlet, orange stripe down the middle.”

She heard the call again—“high and thin.” Whatever she was hearing, I didn’t register.

Learning Birds

“Is it hard to tell birds apart?” I asked.

“Not for me,” she laughed. “But yes.”

So how does one learn? Joan had a few tips.

First, “Come during the off-season,” she suggested. Learn the birds that are common year-round and learn them one at a time.

Second, she recommended using an app, like the Merlin App to help, as it identified with sound, and you can get the results often right away.

Finally, get a feeder. Feeders are an excellent way to meet several of the birds that are around all the time.

Some starter birds include song sparrows, dark-eyed junco, chickadees, nuthatches, and towhees.

It also doesn’t hurt to have a bird with a favorite song. Sometimes that is enough to draw one in. 

“My favorite is the hermit thrush,” said Joan—a high-elevation bird with a song. “It sounds flute-like and ethereal.”

I recalled hearing the bird myself while hiking in the Jefferson Wilderness—singing its heart out well into the evening. Afterward, I had to find out what I was hearing!

Help the Birds

The trail continued down through the dense forest before dropping us back on the wide gravel road we had come up on—back in the riparian forest.

As we made our way back down to our cars, I asked Joan if she had any tips for helping birds.

“Audubon has a list of 10 things you can do for birds,” Joan responded.

“The biggest problems are hitting windows, lights during migration, and cats,” she continued.

So, to help with that, she suggests putting bird strike prevention on any windows that might fool birds, turning out the lights during migration, and keeping pet cats indoors.

Now, with advancements in bird tracking, you can find out when birds migrate through your area, so you know when dark skies are most important.

Pesticides are another concern she brought up.

“Anything that affects insects affects birds.”

Brown Creeper

“Well, we didn’t see very many birds,” Joan remarked when were just about at our cars.

Then, she spotted something up in the trees—a small brown bird hopping up the trunk. It was a Brown Creeper.

“They go way up and then they fly down to the base of the tree or their nest,” Joan noted. 

I watched the Brown Creeper hop its way up a large Douglas-fir trunk before taking flight and landing on another tree nearby.

It was probably feeding on spiders hidden in the bark or collecting web for its nest—a common practice according to Joan.

The light was dimming as we stood and looked up at this small brown bird doing what it does best before we lost track of it.

Trills and Thrills

“That was fun!” proclaimed Joan.

And I too felt satisfied.

We have only heard or seen a few birds, but I was walking away with more bird knowledge than I could have imagined.

High-pitched trills spilled through the trees, like a tumbling stream, as we walked the last few feet to our cars.

And I knew it was the Pacific Wren singing us off.

Joan Hagar is a Research Wildlife Biologist with the U.S. Geological Survey. She has been studying birds and other wildlife professionally for the last 30 years.